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    Álemdik deńgeıdegi qazaq bapkeri: Oktıabr Jarylqapov

    Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly qazaq voleıbolynyń negizin qalaǵan kórnekti sport qaıratkeri. Keńes odaǵynyń eńbek sińirgen jattyqtyrýshysy ataǵyna ıe bolǵan birinshi qazaq mamany (1965 j.) Álem chempıonatynyń qola júldegeri,  Eýropa chempıony Jánibek Saýranbaevtyń, KSRO stýdentter quramasynyń bas bapkeri, KSRO-nyń eńbek sińirgen jattyqtyrýshysy Zańǵar Járkeshevtiń, Almatynyń ADK komandasynyń uzaq jyl bas bapkeri bolǵan Jumash Mahmutovtyń, Almatynyń «Býrevestnık» komandasynyń treneri bolǵan Marat Mádenovtiń t.b. ataqty voleıboshylardyń ustazy. 1968 jyly  Oktıabr Jarylqapovtyń eki birdeı shákirti Valerıı Kravchenko men Oleg Antropov Olımpıada chempıondary atandy. Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly kezinde  Keńes odaǵynyń chempıony atanyp, Eýropa  chempıondarynyń kýbogyn 2 ret jeńip alǵan Almatynyń «Býrevestnık» komandasynyń bas jattyqtyrýshysy boldy.

    Qazaq voleıboly dese, eń aldymen Oktıabr Jarylqapov esimi eske túsedi. Shirkin, Oktıabr aǵa! Alla Taǵala alash jurtyna syılaǵan birtýar azamat! Bizdiń ulttyń basyna náýbet tóngen otyz birde dúnıege kelipti. Biraq rýhy azat, jany jaısań bolypty. Tasmańdaı kezeńde týsa da, halqynyń namysyn joqtaýdan taıynbaǵan eken. Sol tusta bizdiń ult úshin tym tańsyq, Eýropa talasa oınaǵan voleıboldy aınalasy on-bes jylda Almatynyń tórine,  qazaqtyń júregine jetkizgen daraboz aǵataıym kózin kórmesem de, janyma tym jaqyn. Iá, qamshynyń sabyndaı qysqa merzimde Almatyny álemdik  voleıboldyń  qaınaǵan qazanyna aınaldyrý Jarylqapovtaı  jampozdyń ǵana qolynan keldi. Keı-keıde Oktıabr aǵany júregim syzdap, kádimgideı saǵynamyn. Nege deısizder ǵoı, sebebi, ol kisi týǵan jurtyn shynaıy súıdi, ultynyń ıyǵyna qylshyq juqtyrǵysy kelmegen kúıi  dúnıeden ozdy.

    Bul shańyraqtyń qazany tań bozynan tún ortasyna deıin ottan túspeıdi eken. Áýeli qatardaǵy jattyqtyrýshy, uzamaı bas jattyqtyrýshy, keıin respýblıka sport komıteti tóraǵasynyń orynbasary bolǵan Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly aq ter, kók ter jattyǵýdan keıin nemese alqaly jıyndardan soń top jigitti ertip keledi, deıdi Dılıara apam. Biraz qýatyn voleıbol alańynda sarqyǵan qaraǵaıdaı azamattar úıme tabaq etińdi bir asaǵannan qaldyra  ma. Muny esep qylatyn Oktıabr joq, kelesi joly top oıynshynyń ortasynda jadyraı kúlip taǵy jetedi.

    Al Oktıabr aǵam Almatynyń kóshesine jaıaý shyqsa, dittegen jerine ýaqytynda jetýi muń bolady eken. Jarylqapovtyń shákirti, KSRO halyqtary spartakıadasynyń júldegeri Valerıı Kassın  myna bir oqıǵany sondaı bir áserli kúıde baıandap berdi: «Qazirgi Abaı men Dostyq kósheleriniń qıylysynan Raıymbek kóshesine qaraı júrip kelemiz. Keı kúnderi tez jetýshi edik. Bul joly Oktıabrdiń tileýlesteri birinen soń biri ushyrasyp, ustazdy bógeı berdi. Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly kisi kóńilin qaldyrmaıtyn sondaı aqkóńil jan. Sodan jaıshylyqta ári ketse, qyryq mınýtta baratyn jerge eki saǵatta áreń jettik».

    Endi Jarylqapovtyń taǵy bir shákirti Maıdan Ábishevtiń esteligine nazar salaıyq: –  Ol ýaqytta Máskeýdiń SKA komandasynyń túkirigi jerge túspeı turǵan edi. Jer-jerden jınalǵan kileń keýdeli, jaýynger jigitter. Anaý-mynaýdy mensinbeıdi. Olar alańda keıbir odaqtas respýblıkalardyń komandalarymen qoldarynyń ushyn ǵana sozyp, zorǵa amandasady. Al Oktıabr aǵanyń tóbesi kóringennen máskeýlik voleıbolshylar aldynan júgirip shyǵyp, talasa-tarmasa sálem beretin.

    – Batyrlyǵyn da kózimmen kórdim. Men ol kezde oqýshymyn. Birde Moskvaǵa jarysqa bardyq. Oktıabr aǵa meni «taksı usta» dep jumsady. Júgirgen boıda bir taksı júrgizýshimen kelisip, qaıtyp keldim. Al, Oktıabr aǵa kelgende tórt orys jigiti bizdiń taksıge  kezeksiz minbekshi bolyp jatqan. Ol kisi birden: – Jigitter jaqsylyqpen ketińder. Áıtpese, sender meniń bir qaqqanymnan qalmaısyńdar. Ketińder, – dep tistenip turyp, zekip qalyp edi, álgiler kólikten tústi de jylystap taıyp otyrdy.  Negizinde ol kiside qorqý degen múlde joq edi. Oktıabr aǵanyń tulǵasyndaǵy bir erekshelik – qoly óte uzyn edi. Onyń qoly kádimgideı tizesine jetip turatyn. Alaqany meniń alaqanymnyń ekeýindeı. Birde aýyr salmaqty ataqty boksshyǵa: «Sen myqtymyn deme, qansha myqty bolsań da meniń judyryǵyma shydamaısyń, – degeni bar. Álgi dáý ne aıtaryn bilmeı, sasyp qaldy.

    1960 jyly Oktıabr Jarylqapov Qazaq eli voleıbolshylarynan  birinshi bolyp, Keńes  odaǵynyń  eń tańdaýly 24 voleıbolshysynyń qatarynan oryn tepti.   Bul degenińiz  sol  tustaǵy Qazaqstan voleıboly úshin teńdesi joq tabys bolatyn.

    1962 jyly Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly «Qazaqstannyń eńbek sińirgen jattyqtyrýshysy» ataǵyna ıe bolsa, onyń shákirti Jánibek Saýranbaev maýsym sońynda KSRO-nyń eń maıtalman 24 voleıbolshysynyń qataryna kirdi. Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly kásibı maıtalman jattyqtyrýshy retinde jattyǵý proesin kúrdelendire tústi. Buryn voleıboshylar aptasyna 3-4 ret jattyqsa, endi 8-10 márte, tipti 12 ret sheberlik shyńdaıtyn dárejege jetti. Jánibek Saýranbaevtyń deregine súıensek, respýblıka voleıbolyna bul úderisti eń alǵash Jarylqapov alyp kelgen eken.

    1968 jylǵy Mehıko olımpıadasynda Oktıabr Jarylqapovtyń eki birdeı shákirti Valerıı Kravchenko men Oleg Antropov jeńis tuǵyryna kóterildi.

    Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly Almatynyń «Býrevestnık» komandasynyń aǵa jattyqtyrýshysy ǵana bolǵan joq, Keńes odaǵynyń jastar jáne ekinshi quramalaryn da baptady. Bul degenińiz  Jarylqapovtyń bapkerlik biliginiń óte joǵary bolǵanyn dáleldeıdi. Ol kisiniń tikeleı shaqyrýymen Keńes odaǵynyń ulttyq quramasy Almatyda oqý-jattyǵý jıynyn ótkizipti.  Italııa, Qytaı, Latvııa, taǵy basqa memleket voleıbolshylarynyń «Býrevestnıkpen» tize qosyp jattyǵýǵa umtylýy Oktıabr jigitteriniń sheberlik deńgeıiniń bıik bolǵanyn  dáleldeıdi.

    Jarylqapov negizin qalaǵan «Býrevestnık» 1967 jyly KSRO halyqtary spartakıadasynyń qola júldegeri, 1968 jyly odaq chempıonatynyń kúmis júldegeri, 1969 jyly Keńes odaǵynyń chempıony atandy. Almatylyqtar 1970,1971 jyldary qatarynan eki ret Eýropa chempıonadarynyń kýbogyn jeńip aldy. Bul kezeńde sovet voleıbolshylary dúnıe júzindegi eń kúshti quramanyń biri boldy. Buǵan naqty dálel: sovet quramasy 1960, 1962 jyldary álem chempıony  ataǵyn jeńip alsa, 1964, 1968 jyldary olımpıada oıyndarynyń altyn tuǵyryna kóterildi. Iaǵnı, osyndaı dárejedegi voleıbol derjavasyn utqan «Býrevestnıkti» 1968-1971 jyldardaǵy Keńes odaǵynyń eń myqty voleıbol komandasy desek, kúmán týa qoımas. Sebebi, odaqtaǵy eń kúshti klýbtyń biri SKA ár respýblıkaadan kelgen sheber oıynshylardan quralsa, «Býrevestnıktegi» V. Kravchenkodan basqa oıynshylardyń barlyǵy derlik Qazaqstannyń sportshylary.

    Sol tusta álemdik voleıboldy Eýropa elderi bılep turdy. KSRO-dan basqa Chehoslovakııa men GDR álem chempıonatynda úzdik shyqsa, Rýmynııa, Bolgarııa voleıbolshylary únemi júldegerler sapynan tabylatyn. Shyǵystan Japonııa tek jetpisinshi jyly ǵana álem chempıonatynyń qola júldegeri atandy.   «Býrevestnıktiń» Eýropa chempıondary kýbogynyń eki dúrkin jeńimpazy ekenin eskersek, bizdiń komandanyń 1969-1971 jyldarda  dúnıe júzindegi eń tańdaýly voleıbol klýbynyń biri ekeni daý týǵyzbaıdy.

    Al jetpis birinshi jylǵy Eýropa kýbogy úshin básekede Jarylqapov jigitteri 1970 jylǵy álem chempıony GDR-diń «Leıpıg» komandasyn utty. «Leıpıgtiń» sapynda segiz birdeı álem chempıony oınady, degen derek bar. Iaǵnı, almatylyqtar sol kezde álem chempıony GDR quramasynan kem soqpady desek, artyq aıtqandyq bolmas.

    KSRO-nyń eńbek sińirgen jattyqtyrýshysy Gennadıı Parshın: «Jarylqapov komandasynyń oqý-jattyǵý sapasy Keńes odaǵy quramasynyń jattyǵý deńgeıinen kem emes edi», deıdi. Biz bul pikirge esh kúmánsiz, yqylaspen qol qoıýǵa daıynbyz.

    Oktıabr Jarylqapov 1969  jyldyń mamyr aıynda 37 jasynda kóz jumdy. Ǵumyry sonsha qysqa bolǵanymen, qazaq voleıbolynyń tutas   damý júıesin qalyptastyryp ketken tarıhı tulǵa qazirgi sport sheneýnikterine keremet úlgi der edik. Oktıabr Jarylǵapov joqtan bar jasaǵan daraboz reformator. Al biz bar nárseniń ózin uqsata almaı júrmiz.  Áńgimeni  Maıdan Ábishevtiń myna sózimen túıindegendi jón kórdik: «Ár salada qazaqtyń bir myqtysy bar. Meniń tujyrymym mynadaı: ǵylymda – Qanysh Sátbaev,   batyrlar arasynda – Baýyrjan Momyshuly, aqynda – Oljas Súleımenov, al, sportta – Oktıabr Jarylqapov».


    Qydyrbek RYSBEK


    Oktıabr oıyn ústinde

    Oktıabr Jarylqapov (oń jaq shette) KSRO quramasynyń jattyqtyrýshysy

    Oktıabr Qydyrbaıuly (joǵaryda, sol jaqtan  ekinshi) negizin qalaǵan Almatynyń «Býrevestnık» komandasy



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      Search engine optimization and online marketing are essential in today’s fast-paced business world.
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      This agency, a premier agency in the Mundelein area, distinguishes itself with personalized solutions.

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    78. Anabolic steroids are also used to treat delayed puberty in younger males.
      As well, patients with breast cancer, a low red blood cell count or anyone experiencing tissue wasting due to AIDS may also
      be prescribed steroids. Veterinarians also routinely administer anabolic steroids to dogs, cats, horses, cows and
      other animals in order to promote increased strength and vigor,
      increased weight gain and a healthy, shiny coat. Steroids are
      used by 100% of bodybuilders that are skilled and I
      might move as much to state that 90% of the sportsmen that participate in the countrywide inexperienced stage employ anabolic steroids.
      Clearly, handful of these athletes are recognizing
      to use that is steroid, especially now in time. Anabolic steroid use hasn’t been more of an anti-social habits than it is today, as well as the preconception is currently getting
      worse constantly. Qualified bodybuilders must be noticeable and state that buy steroids they denounce the utilization of the very medicines that assisted these
      achieve their latest reputation or they experience
      significant effects.
      As one of the special agents at Homeland Security Investigations who fit the description of a social-media-savvy millennial, she’d
      been assigned a steroids case the agency was pursuing. HSI, as it is known, is an arm of Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
      or ICE, which many people think of as the group that rounds up undocumented
      immigrants. But HSI represents the agency’s «customs» component,
      and its agents investigate counterfeit products that violate trademark statutes, including pharmaceutical drugs imported from overseas.
      With legal steroids that really work, Crazy Bulk offers customers
      all around the world free worldwide shipping.
      Anabolic steroids work differently from other drugs of abuse; they
      do not have the same short-term effects on the brain. From time to time, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) comes up with the list of illegal
      and banned steroids. This amazing cutting stack also
      has natural testosterone boosters, hence your body
      will receive all important testosterone boost.
      Illegal steroids, legal steroids, sometimes it’s confusing to know where
      a particular Anabolic steroid lies. Over the last few years, a number of metabolic precursors to either testosterone or nandrolone have been marketed as dietary supplements in the U.S.
      After all, there are legal steroid alternatives
      that can provide all the benefits of steroids
      – but without the dreaded side effects . The definition of steroids
      is, «man-made derivatives of testosterone, the male hormone. They synthesize protein and help promote muscle growth».4 Types of steroids include anabolic and growth hormones.

      The bottom line is the expected cause-and-effect relationship between testosterone replacement therapy, and resolving your symptoms does not always occur.
      Habib warns that those who struggle to build muscle only consume steroids if it has been prescribed by a
      medical doctor. The general thinking, according to Drugabuse.gov, is that when different
      steroids interact they can increase muscle size more than when only one drug
      is taken at a time. One extremely dangerous steroid that some used
      is called Tren , which is in reality intended for livestock and referred to as the ‘greatest performance enhancing drug on earth’.

      Most of the legal anabolic steroids have verification codes on the package.
      These codes check the authenticity of a bought steroidon pharmacies website.
      There are plenty of high quality pharmacies out there
      that will give you genuine steroids. Pharmacies that we recommend are Kalpa, Axiolabs, Sciroxx, British Dragon, 7Lab Pharma and few more.

      This can give a high level of energy and strength
      , without making training too difficult, Good effects of steroids (timeoftheworld.date)
      in the body. The high quality supplements are much
      cheaper and can be easily found at most drugstores for under $1, effects of steroids on human health.

      The legal steroid by CrazyBulk contains four main natural ingredients.

      Veterinary steroids that are commercially available in the U.S.
      include boldenone (Equipoise® ), mibolerone, and trenbolone
      (Revalor® ). Other steroids found on the
      illicit market that are not approved for use in the U.S.

      include ethylestrenol, methandriol, methenolone, and methandrostenolone.
      Most likely, steroid users will continue to indulge
      in the substances as a way to promote the type of results that they’re
      used to receiving, particularly those in the competitive arena.
      Some people have no patience to wait for slow progress associated with natural training and nutrition minus the supplements.
      And with steroids, they’re able to reach their goals significantly faster.
      The improved libido, sleep quality, mood, strength, and recovery that high testosterone levels
      offer will seriously benefit you. The effects of the anabolic steroids were making them more man-like in appearance and mindset.

      Much of the public—just like Henry—is uninformed or wrongly informed about steroids.

      Because of this, many people think that steroids only have positive
      effects, but they fail to realize those using steroids can destroy their body and mind.
      However, this never goes with the same extent as anabolic
      steroids, which mean that there is no fear of the side effect of steroids.
      They are also available in the markets, made by
      natural ingredients and contains plants extracts and vitamins, capsulated form not injections & doesn’t need a prescription. They will help you
      to enhance your recovery and improve protein building processes done by your body during the
      workouts. They have a significant role in building muscles for the athletes
      who are committed to training for having bigger
      Paradoxically, the legal status of opioids and steroids for legitimate medical
      use has helped lead to illegal, non-medical drug abuse. Pediatrics in Review further notes that PEDs are increasing in popularity.
      One study found that 3.3% of high school students admitted to
      anabolic steroid use while, in another study, 8% of
      girls and 12% of boys reported to have used PEDs to improve muscle mass, appearance, or strength.
      If you have a valid gym subscription, you can talk to the bodybuilders and trainers at
      the gym and ask them to point you in the right direction. Some of
      them might even have an excess supply of anabolic steroids.

      Most gym instructors normally run a side business of supplying high quality supplements and
      steroids to fitness enthusiasts who are interested in these products.

      The beauty of buying from a fitness expert is that you can get clear instructions on how to properly use
      anabolic steroids.
      The substances improve performance and help you recover faster from workouts.
      If you get steroids without prescription from the
      doctor, they are called as illegal anabolic steroids.
      Steroids give tremendous results within a short span of time, while
      supplements give little results over a long time but with very
      few side effects. Though they give great results,
      Anabolic steroids can cause severe side effects. Some of these side
      effects can be permanent and sometimes fatal. So you can get
      steroides legal au Canada only if you have doctor prescription.
      In places like Canada, Brazil, the United States, Australia,
      Argentina, and Portugal you can legally buy anabolic steroids in pharmacy only if you have a prescription given to you to treat a medical
      Much of the dispute has involved the use of steroids by
      professional athletes and whether or not these substances are considered to be legal steroids or illegal steroids.
      Convenience – It is also more convenient using legal steroids than banned substances.
      You don’t need needles and injections as you would with illegal steroids.
      Some people are taking dietary supplements that
      act as steroid precursors without any knowledge
      of the dangers associated with their abuse. Dietary
      supplements are sold in health food stores, over the internet,
      and through mail order.
      On average, the normal range of testosterone in males is around 270 to 1070 ng/dl,
      however, ‘more genetically blessed’ men have
      reported having levels of 400 – 600 ng/dl.
      Higher testosterone levels allow you to build more muscle and burn more fat.
      The best way to get shredded in a short space of time is to build
      muscle and burn fat simultaneously. There is no way
      to know how many of the sites offer anabolic steroids as opposed to related precursors or simple placebo scams.
      But the sites reflect what some officials and experts say is a huge international market that promises a ready supply
      to almost anyone who seeks the drugs. The internet is full of fraudulent suppliers and online scams patiently waiting for athletes and gym enthusiasts to
      fall for their traps. Not only buying from these unscrupulous dealers is illegal,
      but it is dangerous for your health as well.

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